Originally manufactured in the USA, this type of propeller has been made by McCauley since the 1960s and are still used today. Known as a KLIPTIP MET-L-PROP they’ve been a favourite amongst pilots of light aircraft such as small Cessna 150s and the like.
Made from solid aircraft grade aluminium, this Propeller has done all of its flying hours and is therefore “Time Expired”. That means it could appear 100% perfect but in fact been on airworthy. All propellers have a logbook and all flying hours are logged - once they’ve done their hours, that’s it!
Once it’s arrived at Aeroart it gets chemically stripped to remove all the paint and then painstakingly polished on both sides to a mirror finish.
Don’t mistake this for others on the market, it’s 100% genuine and has undergone 18 stages of sanding and five stages of polishing to achieve a perfect flawless finish. Anyone can throw a “shine” on aluminium but to achieve finish like ours you have to do it the long slow way.
Currently one available in a polished finish but we do have others in the “Museum” in their original condition awaiting to be polished so please contact us before ordering to check for availability.
No two are identical and and there are many variants for each type often with the most subtle of differences. Be the envy of all your friends and have something truly unique, either stood in the corner of a room or fixed to a wall - nows your chance to own a timeless piece of aviation history.
This propeller has been chemically stripped to remove all the paint and painstakingly polished on both sides to a mirror finish. It has undergone eighteen stages of sanding and five stages of polishing to achieve a perfect flawless finish.
100% genuine taken from a real flying aircraft